
Stories from a Dublin Scientist

Tag: writing


When you get a good prompt
I mean a really good prompt
It sets your mind loose on the page
And throws open the gates of creativity
What can be better than that?

Written for Trifecta’s Trifextra week one hundred and five, the last ever trifecta prompt

Writing Style

Type, delete, repeat!


Written for Trifecta’s trifextra challenge week seventy-six.

Introductions for Trifecta

  1. What is your name (real or otherwise)? : JoeTwo. Or Doctor Two if I want to be pedantic. I was called that because I was the second Joe to come to work in our research group and I have come to embrace the name.
  2. Describe your writing style in three words. Anything that works!
  3. How long have you been writing online? Since July 2011. Though I did take four months off last year because I was writing my thesis.
  4. Which, if any, other writing challenges do you participate in? I am a regular at picture it and write on Ermilia Blog. I try to do that every week.
  5. Describe one way in which you could improve your writing. Proof read some more. I tend to throw it out as soon as I am finished with readers then commenting with all the stupid grammar mistakes. I consider that my editorial process. 
  6. What is the best writing advice you’ve ever been given? “Love writing. If it ever becomes a chore then stop doing it”
  7. Who is your favorite author?  I love science fiction and am a big fan of the masters but I have recently started reading Iain M Banks who writes both Sci-Fi and regular thrillers. He has a way with stories.
  8. How do you make time to write? I usually sneak time between duties in work and I also keep the laptop on throughout the day on the weekend.
  9. Give us one word we should consider using as a prompt. Remember–it must have a third definition. Luminous. I figure I could have some fun with that one!
  10. Direct us to one blog post of yours that we shouldn’t miss reading. How much, which was written for a picture it and write back in November had more tears in the comment section than anything else I have written.

This is for Trifecta Check in